Focusing too much on a problem, can become a huge issue. You need to try to get into a solution mode. I remember I had consciously taken time off to spend with my kids and that meant taking time off of my work routine. Initially, I always thought it was going to be tough and it was. Just having a lot of spare time, and then though I enjoyed travelling and spending time with my kids, I realised I wanted to maintain a routine that work gave me. So I started to blog and it first started as a hobby and slowly I started getting sponsors and it started to grow and I really enjoyed reviewing products and fashion accessories. I looked at an alternative solution to my work. And I loved it.

Find your passion and don't look back.

There are other work instances were I was putting a lot of effort into a project. I was putting a million percent into it and I was about get a huge win that would benefit the company. I was super excited and then it didn't work.That hit me like a ton of breaks. Here is what I realised

GET UP AND DUST YOURSELF OFF - You are not going to have a lot of wins, that is just how life goes. So when you lose, take it in, fall and get up again. Tomorrow is another day.

EVALUATE - I just believed that my project was a super success and it would be a huge success. It was for granted, I was in the mindset that it would work out and be super amazing.When it didn't happen, I was bumped out. I started to evaluate what had gone wrong and what mistakes I had made.

MARKET SURVEY - What is the demand for your product? What have you done to see if what you are doing is going to be effective or help people to begin with? These are the most important questions to evaluate a problem and find a way to work around it. You need to identify what exactly was in trend in the market and what the audience was looking for.

ACTION PLAN- If you dwell on the problem and you go on complaining about it, that's just going to bring you down and make you feel worse about the situation. The best thing you can do is move to the next project, product or course launch. Move on to the next step, move to doing it again and this time keeping in mind all the mistakes you had faced and how you got over it.

What keeps you stuck in the problem instead of solution?

Ego and Pride - Oftentimes people have so much pride and ego that they think, what they are doing is the right way, and there's no other way. You can only find a solution when you're open to listening to.

Over thinking and analyzing the problem- What exactly is the problem? Listen to what our people have to say and identify what exactly the issues are. Thinking about an issue repeatedly causes more stress and leads to anxiety and bad attitude towards your work. It will hinder any creativity or success aspects in the future.

Listening skills - A good leader is always open. Listening to ideas and being open to listening to what is going wrong is a very strong and important quality to success. If you believe that only your aspects or views are the most important, You will be stuck without any improvement and progress becomes limited. The questions you should ask:

What can be done can be done better?

How things can improve?

Motivation - It helps you motivate your team. It motivates people around you too. It makes you a good listener, which is something nobody appreciates. People feel more respected, they feel more appreciated and people like to share more ideas the more you go about giving them time and respect so.The fight, the way to move into the solution board is to be open-minded.

Being Open-minded - Most people refuse to be open minded and choose to look at solutions and problems in a much more logical way and they feel that now this has always worked. This is the best solution. There can't be anything else and that exactly becomes a problem if you are rigid about how things should be, you're not going to see any change or progress. Overall, make sure to be flexible. Make sure it will be open minded and you will see change happen.Also, if something isn't working, don't dwell on it.

If things don't work out for you, you didn't get the job you wanted.

You didn't get the promotion you're looking for.

You didn't get the growth you're looking for.

You were thinking that.Things you would want to get a salary raise this year?It didn't work out.

Don't dwell on it, don't complain about it. Try to talk to management about it and see if they're working with you.

Alternatives - If for some reason it does not happen, and if you've tried all your options, you still are not happy. There's no harm in then looking out for a better opportunity. If you think that's what you want to do, but don't dwell on it.

Don't go to tell your colleagues about it.

Don't gossip about it.

Don't talk bad about somebody.

It's not going to help you in the long run.

People don't like whiners.

People don't like complainers.

People just try to avoid them.

And people start looking at you as a problem.

So the more you focus on a problem you become the problem.

So the way you react or problem is very important.

So take the problem as a challenge. Try to work around it.

Get a solution. If it's not something you're looking for, move on, move forward, move away from the problem itself.

If you need any other help with leadership, career or communication training or courses, feel free to reach out and let me know with the links below. Would love to connect! :) or simply reply to this email and I can be reached.

Hansa Raghav

Hi! Iā€™m a leadership and communication specialist, who customizes to suit your requirements and increasing your productivity and get you results.


